Very moving piece. Really enjoyed it. So many instances you write of in these pieces are eerily similar to what I experienced. I remember whenever it would snow, I would typically shovel around 11 at night and my mom being a perpetual worrier would always stand at the door watching me while I did it. She was always afraid I would fall, or have a heart attack in the snow, or even be kidnapped. I remember after finishing up shoveling coming into the house and just feeling the incredible sense of coziness and warmth that the house and my mom waiting at the door provided for me.

I've also spent most of my life being a non-believer. But now that my mom is gone I actually hope that I'm wrong. And there was one instance just recently where I was in the basement and a commode that I had ordered for my mom was against the wall. With my back turned to it all of a sudden it made a jostling sound like it was lifted a couple inches off the ground and dropped. Or as if someone had bumped into it. it. It was very bizarre and startled me. At that point I actually started talking out loud to my mother and crying. Just really strange

Anyway, really enjoying these pieces.

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I like shoveling at night too! Just feels so peaceful:I’ve only just discovered that. Back then, I shoveled in the afternoons.

I grew up agnostic, which I’ll discuss in a later post. But part of me always wished I was Christian so I could believe in Heaven and an afterlife. Right now, I’m too skeptical.

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